Volume 43, Issue 4, 2025
19th April, 2024
Registration of Different Types of Water with Corona Gas Discharge Effects and Parameters of Brightness
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by Ignat Ignatov, Ludmila Pesotskaya, Natalia Glukhova ET AL.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4152/pea.2025430401
Corona gas discharge (CGD) is a physical process that occurs when a gas is ionized. It is observed as a bluish glow at high breakdown voltages from 5 to 30 kV. In laboratory conditions, [1] has objectively studied CGD, in the former USSR, in the late 1940s. The method was classified as electrophotography, for recording information. Based on an electrophotographic information recording, Carlson developed xerography in the 1960s. [3] has conducted experiments using electrophotographic CGD methods, to record data. Antonov and co-authors proved that CGD primarily depends on the object’s dielectric permeability rather than on conductivity. [15, 16] have measured photon emission in different types of water. The method is called color coronal spectral analysis. Since 2012, [12] have developed a method for analyzing CGD image, assessing brightness for various water types. The authors consider that, with CGD, information is connected with water dielectric permeability and, thus, with H2O molecules restructuring. The developed method of water classification allows for an integral assessment of H2O characteristics. The experimental sample was classified based on brightness histogram (BH) analysis of CGD radiation images.
Keywords: BH; CGD; discharge image; H2O.
Electro-Catalytic Oxidation of Glucose on Zinc Oxide. Effect of Bacteria
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by Salma Zahid, Youness Tahiri, Mohamed Oubaouz et al.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4152/pea.2025430402
EMD was herein applied as a glucose-oxidizing electrode catalyst. ZnO electrode showed considerable electro-catalytic activity for glucose oxidation. The effect of glucose Ct was studied by CV and SWV. The j increased with glucose Ct. Bacteria presence in the reaction environment showed that they tended to adhere to the Zn surface. The biofilm developed on the ZnO electrode surface did not promote glucose oxidation.
Keywords: bacteria; CV; EIS; EMD; glucose; oxidation; SEM; SWV; ZnO.
High Power and Long Cycling Stability Supercapacitor Based on PANI/Mn2CoO4 Nanohybrid
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by M. Shanmugavadivel, M. Subramanian, V. Dhayabaran
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4152/pea.2025430403
Nano-sized PANI/Mn2CoO4 hybrid was successfully synthesized by diluted polymerization method, for high power SC. The metal oxide incorporation significantly increased the polymer’s crystallinity and electrochemical efficiency. PANI/Mn2CoO4 electrochemical evaluation showed enhanced energy, power density (2.28 and 762.6 W/kg-1, respectively), specific capacitance (470 Fg-1) and columbic efficiency of 87.1%, with long cycling stability up to 1000 cycles. NHP improved capacitive nature and power characteristics were achieved by the synergistic effect between PANI and Mn2CoO4.
Keywords: charge-discharge; energy storage; PANI/Mn2CoO4; SC.
Review on Municipal Solid Waste, Challenges and Management Policy in Pakistan
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by M. Asif, M. Laghari, A. M. Abubakar et al.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4152/pea.2025430404
MSW or manufacturing WM must be sustainable, to achieve SDG and address health, environmental and economic disposal concerns caused by large amounts of artificial garbage. Locals are put at risk, due to improper MSW management. In Pakistan, MSW output is increasing daily. Urban settlements and other organisations generate a large amount of garbage in various forms, which typically degrades and makes the surroundings unappealing. The soil state in the metropolitan area has decreased, due to irresponsible debris dumping. The dumping of contaminated litter and mixed fluids outside of waste disposal borders raises serious environmental issues on soil and water pollution. This review focused primarily on the impacts of MSW collection on soil and water quality at open waste disposal facilities, as assessed by a mixed soil-WQI. Improper waste disposal techniques, which include open dumping, uncontrolled landfilling and illegal disposal, can lead to contamination that negatively effects soil and water quality. One must also look for sustainable WM options. The consequences related to these gaseous emissions have been widely investigated.
Keywords: landfills; MSW; pollution; soil quality.
RSM-Based Predictive Modelling of Gravimetric Corrosion Characteristics of Welded and Tempered UNS G10400 Carbon Steel in a Seawater Environment
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by Benjamin U. Oreko and Silas O. Okuma
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4152/pea.2025430405
In this study, gravimetric analysis was used to determine corrosion properties, i.e., WL and CR of welded and tempered UNS G10400 CS exposed to Sw. In order to determine optimal WL and CR, RSM approach was utilized to develop a prediction model. 20 runs of the experiment were used for statistical ANOVA. As response variables, the experimental design matrix included WL and CR. To optimize the results of GC method and develop a predictive regression model, CCD was utilized. By ANOVA, the generated models for WL and CR indicated a significant p-value (which is probability, under the null hypothesis assumption, of obtaining a result equal to or higher than the one observed) of < 0.0001. F-values and R2 showed good statistical correlation between experimental and predicted values. Optimal conditions for WL and CR occurred at 25 °C(as-welded), with an ET of 17 days, and their optimum values were 0.744 g and 0.769 mm/year, respectively. Validation of optimized predicted results showed an UE of 1.6 and 2.9%, for WL and CR, respectively, which was below 5%. This revealed that the generated model adequately predicted CP of welded and tempered UNS G10400 CS in a Sw environment.
Keywords: as-welded; GT; optimal conditions; predictive modeling; RSM; UNSG10400 CS.